Environmental Sustainability

Partner Comieco 1603/98 Environmental Sustainability

In compliance with environmental legislation in the project-phase we manage to avoid wasting of raw materials thanks to an accurate choice of the most proper size and shape.

Waste treatment involves a mechanical and energetic recycling. Even the smallest piece of plastics is ground and recycled as raw material for bags, brooms, isolation materials and so on. The other possibility is recycling by bursting for power production.

Arcabox is a member of the Comieco Organisation – Member card number 1603 / 98. This organisation belongs to Conai (Consorzio Nazionale Imballaggi) which, in co-operation with packaging producers and public companies, recycles the packaging Raw Materials.

Moreover, the company attitude to be more and more environmentally friendly, keeps our technical team involved in a trial of use of last generation raw materials with reduced environmental effect.