Law 196 / 2003 – Guardianship and personal data treatment
Arcabox informs visitors of his own site to guarantee the proper use of personal data according to the privacy current law (Personal data code D. Lgs. N 196 / 2003 ).
Data Types
Navigation Data
When client visit the site , his presence is Anonymous.
Information systems and software procedures which guarantee the correct use of this site during the use collect personal data and they transfer them according to the standard internet communication system.
This information is no t associated with an identified person, therefore by the use of elaboration and combination they could bring the user identification. These data includes IP address , computer’s name of the connected site , URI ( Uniform Resources Identifier ) address , their requests , time of request , the way utilised to get the server’ s answer , the answer’ file size , the code number which indicate the answer status supplied by the server i.e. good result, mistake, others information coming from the users electronic environment. This information are utilised for anonymous statistic purposes only and are eliminated after the elaboration.
Cookies are not used neither for personal information transmission nor CD are used.
ookies of session aren’t utilised, they are cookies not saved in the memory and are eliminated once the browser is closed.
Voluntarily supplied data
Visitor personal data are supplied by the site and are utilised for “contact request “only and used to connect him.
The voluntary and explicit delivery of e-mail to the address present in this site involves the sender’s address knowledge.
Scope and Method of treatment
The collected data treatment will be in respect of the correctness, transparency and will protect your privacy and your rights. The supplied data will be used for company activity only.Data will be utilised according to the current law and elaborated on information technology, paper or other necessary support.
Supplied data and visitors
Supply data is a base to receive the service, refusal could involve the possibility to partially stifle the business relation.
Data can be transferred to the Company external partners as co-operators, consultant, sales people, credit institute, others organisations only if strictly involved in the company activity.
Visitor’s rights
According to the law art. 7 del D.lgs.196/2003 everybody involved ( the person whose data are by the company utilised ) have the followings rights:
- to know all the time his personal data we have and how they are utilized;
- keep data updated, by integration, or eliminate them;
- request a suspension or make their treatment opposition.
Owners and Responsible
Personal data treatment responsible is Arcabox Snc di Fasoli G. & C.
The treatment‘s responsible in charge is identified by the DPsS released on annual base. At the moment the data treatment responsible is Mrs. Gabriella Fasoli, whose you can ask in any moment the right data treatment to respect your rights.
According to the law art 7 del D.lgs 196/ 2003 you can send a request to the address: Arcabox Snc di Fasoli G. & C. - via Raso 22/24 (Zona P.I.P.) - 25036 Palazzolo s/Oglio (BS)
This website uses first party and third parties Cookies. By navigating this website or by closing the informative cookie banner which is present on every page (or by clicking anywhere on it) the use of Cookies is accepted. These will be further explained together with the procedure to deny access to all or some of them. Cookies are small files containing small amount of data which are sent to the users browser when a certain website is visited. Every further use of the same website Cookies are sent again to the website that originally generated them (first party cookies) or to another site that recognizes them (third party cookies). Cookies are useful because they allow a website to recognize the user. They have different purposes, for example allowing the navigation through various pages and in general give and permit a better navigation experience. They also guarantee that content shown, such as online advertisements, are in harmony with what the user wants and is interested in. Depending on the use or purpose of use, cookies can be divided into technical cookies, profiling cookies and third party cookies.
Nearly all web browsers are set to automatically accept cookies. Visitors or users have the possibility to easily change this behavior at their own wish. As clearly stated above by wishing not to use cookies during navigation of the website this may lead to a less efficient use and may compromise anything related to authentication. Many cookies are automatically deleted from the computers hard drive at the end of every session (named “session cookie”). There are cookies that however remain on the computers hard drive. These cookies may remain on the computer for few years. By visiting the website for the first time the computer will then be able to recognize every further and next visit to the same website which the customer has already visited, thus providing optimal data used in previous visits (long period cookies). These cookies allow the customer not to waste time by putting in previously filled out passwords or forms that have already been used. Cookies can also be deactivated, choosing certain parameters in the options on the computers browser. We highlight the fact that if this option is chosen the customer will not be able to fully use certain functions of the website.
Certain cookies may also belong to the website (used for example to recognize a certain number of pages visited in the website) or to third parties (generated by other websites to provide certain content on the website visited). The present website may use third party cookies that are used in a dynamic and mature way to show online advertisements. The majority of browsers in use allow one to block exclusively third party cookies and only use the website cookies. Even some advertising companies which generate cookies on third party websites provide the possibility to deactivate and/or restrict them easily, even when they are anonymous, without collecting personal information of any kind (for instance, the IP address used by the end user workstation).
Cookies used for analysis of website visits
ARCABOX S.R.L. uses instruments that analyze navigation data that allow a better use of websites: for instance, Google Analytics, a service offered by Google Inc. These services use cookies that are deposited on the user device so that the site manager can profile the website usage. The information generated by the cookies on the use of the websites by the user (including the IP address, recorded by omitting some digits) are then sent and deposited on the Google server. This information is then used to detect how the website is used by the specific user so as to examine the full use of the website, filling out reports on the activity of the website and use of Internet. To protect users, ARCABOX S.R.L. uses a IP masking which hides the last 8 digits of the IP address thus making the used data anonymous. Users that do not wish to accept cookies related to Google Analytics can do so by means of additional browser components (for instance one can deactivate Google Analytics here: To activate the component that restricts the information delivery on the use of the Website, just follow the on screen instructions and close and reopen the browser afterwards. By using this website, you allow any data belonging to yourselves to be used by Google for the above stated reasons. For further information on Google Analytics it is possible to refer to the Cookies and Analytics and related privacy policy for Google Analytics.
How to deactivate Cookies
The majority of Internet browsers are set up to accept cookies automatically. The user can change the settings so as to block cookies or to warn that cookies are being sent to the users system. There are various ways that cookies can be dealt with. The user can make use of the informative help screen found on his browser so as to see how to modify or change any settings. In the case that different devices are used (example: Computer, Smartphone, Tablet etc.) the user should make sure that each browser on every device is set up the same way regarding the cookie policy. We remind you that by deactivating the use of cookies the navigation and use of the website may be compromised and the offered service may be limited. For third party cookies used by this website we provide a link underneath so as to further deactivate them. For further information on cookies and on how to manage your personal settings and choices on third party cookies please visit
Technical Cookies
Technical cookies are those that do not need consent in accordance to Art.122 comma 1 of the decree Law n° 196/2003. Among these technical cookies, there are essential cookies, also called “strictly necessary” which allow the website to work fully and properly. These cookies are used exclusively by ARCABOX S.R.L. and are first party cookies. They are saved on the users computer only during the actual ongoing session. The essential cookies are used for example when an article has being traced as added to the item basket, a certain currency or language has been chosen or an online data sheet filled in. These cookies help in the http to https transition when a different page is chosen so as to always guarantee a high level of security regarding sent data. This type of cookie is also used to remember the users choice on whether or not to accept cookies. These essential cookies cannot be deactivated using the websites options. Cookies used to analyze statistics also come under the Technical cookie heading, these are used exclusively for data and statistic purposes and for gathering information without being able to find out any information about a single user. These cookies can be deactivated and/or deleted using the browsers settings options.
These cookies are essential and cannot be deactivated using options of this website. In general, cookies can be fully deactivated in the browser at any moment.
For every technical cookie used its name and its use.
Profiling Cookies
Profiling cookies are used to offer the user a navigation experience aligned with the interests recognized during the users previous navigation experiences. For these cookies it is necessary to have an adequate instructive and a consented request, since both the guarantor and the European Authority consider them invasive to the privacy of users.
Third party cookies
While navigating on the ARCABOX S.R.L. website the user can receive on his workstation cookies from different websites or web servers (i.e. third party cookies); this happens because on the website some elements are present (for instance images, maps, sounds, specific links to contents hosted on other domains on separate servers, which are different from the one hosting the requested page). In other words, these cookies are sent from web site managers different from the ARCABOX S.R.L. web site administrator. These third parties could theoretically set some cookies while the user is browsing the site and gather information about the fact that the user has visited the ARCABOX S.R.L. site. You can find more information about cookie use if you follow the suggested link. If the user explicitly denies authorization to third parties cookies, only the features of the site that do not rely on these cookies will be available.
The following chart is a list of the specific third party cookies used on ARCABOX S.R.L.: for each cookie the name, purpose and link of the third party website are reported.